This is my Discord server's permanent invite. You may also contact me with my Username (voidedyt). This is the fastest way to contacting me as I am the most active on Discord than anywhere else.
This is my YouTube channel "Voided". Currently working on getting 200 subs, so if you can help I would really appreciate it. I am moderately active on YouTube at responding.
My Roblox user is for you to check out, I usually play with IRL friends, but if you would like to play games with me, contact me on Discord and we can play.
This is my Reddit user. I actually have too many and I forgot which one I should be using, so don't contact me through this. I'll probably be on another account. I also never go on reddit unless I need help with something.
Here's my Twitter profile, I'm REALLY not active on here. If you decide to contact me through Twitter, expect to see a reply in 10 million centuries.